Monday, July 20, 2009

Introducing Myrtle!

I finally got a good picture of the new kitten!

We named her Myrtle, and yes, this is the kitten formerly known as Stewart! The kittens seem to know when it's time to leave our home, and get super-loving on the last day - happens all the time. But she had grown on us even though she was the guilty party in much carpet-crapping, and we decided to keep her.

Pinky is not sure we made a good decision! He pretends to be irritated by Myrtle, growling when she plays with his tail, but continues to wag his tail in enticement of more playing...

Myrtle wants to be loved by her big brother Pinky, and she'll sit near him, maybe 6 inches away, and roll on her back, acting both shy and playful trying to win his affection. And I'll be darned if she doesn't get bored and go play before I can get the camera out to capture the moment.

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