Thursday, July 23, 2009

Saddest News Ever

Our Baby, Pinky (the gray and white on the left, shown in a baby picture with his brother, Charlie) passed away early this morning at home.

We found out on Tuesday that he had FIP, an infection that has no cure. You can read more about it here: click for article

He was only 13 months old, and we are devastated to lose this kitty that we hoped would be in our family for many years.

When he was a baby, he followed us around everywhere, and was in the middle of every activity, especially in the kitchen... Every time either one of us leave the bathroom after taking a shower, there's Pinky standing guard outside the door, making sure we "made it" through all that horrible water. Whenever Joe came home, Pinky always ran to meet him.

OH - and he fetched! When he was a really little guy he taught us to throw the little plastic thingy that comes off a gallon of milk for him, and he'd always did this funny little prance, so proud, when he'd return with it.

Tomorrow we bring Myrtle, the new kitten, in to be tested for FIP. Let you know the results on Monday.

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