Friday, July 10, 2009


Here is Princess, trying to hide behind a blanket after Stewart trashed the pen...

Don't let that shy pose fool you - she is quickly coming out of her shell... She and Stewart play and roughhouse all day long, and she's getting better about shoving back at her rambunctious roommate when he tries to nudge her out of the food bowl.

One thing about her, though, like all the friggin kittens this year it seems, is that she likes to crap on the carpet! We tried keeping her in the pen more so she'd use the box, but Joe took it as a personal "FU" when she pooped next to the box, in the pen.

You might be wondering why we even let the kittens out of the pen at all at this point, and if they weren't so gosh-darn cute it might be possible. Of course we let them out to socialize, play with them, help them be less-shy around people. And the minute you take your eyes off of them, someone craps.

To be continued...

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