Thursday, July 9, 2009

Three little kittens...

On June 6, I brought Lorelei to the shelter to get a vaccination. The supervisor there said that Lorelei needed some friends, so a pair of brothers joined us. I went in with one kitten and came home with three! Surprise!

They got along immediately with Lorelei, but we had some trouble naming them... They went through several, but the orange one ended up being Mario after the red-headed chef Molto Mario on FoodTV, and the little black one we named Barak, because it's a great name for a black cat - a name of honor, if you will.

Now they were nice kittens, very friendly, but unlike most cats who instinctively "know" about using the litter box, three out of three had issues with it...

Our first batch of the season, and Barak pees wherever he is when he gets the urge, Mario refuses to crap in the box, and poor Lorelei has diarrhea, not always in the box.

Kittens have diarrhea if you didn't know that. Well, many do. It has to do with worms, sometimes... (A great tip: feed canned pumpkin (plain) to firm them up!)

Keeping the catbox clean is always the first step. No problem. We tried changing the kitty litter type/brand, and even put a makeshift catbox in the sheltered corner outside the pen where the kittens preferred to shit, apparently. Lot of respect they showed, they just crapped half in/half out of that box, right down the sides.

And what's with scratching the carpet around your new poop? You're not burying it, silly... If you'd use the box, the ol' scratch routine might work. Sheesh!

Joe was unsure if we should even have a second batch after all the time cleaning up, all the Resolve Carpet Cleaner, but when it was time to return them to the shelter for adoption there were two kittens ready for us....

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